the city album
the city album

The City album

This isn’t just music, this is a story

The first progressive house album from the Deep Djs is construed as a DJ set and brings a unique way for electro music to present the story of the eponymous sci-fi novel by Clifford Simak. In his novel, Simak addresses the world to convey his message of a post-humanistic vision of man’s future on Jupiter, deeply influenced by the horrors of the World War II.

The Deep Djs take the titles of key stories and other strong moments from the novel for selected songs of the album, such as “The Legend of the Man”, “The City”, “Desertion” and “Anthill”. The songs use the modern and trending techniques of progressive house to create an atmosphere and evoke the plot of one of the most important works of science fiction, published in 1952.

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original book cover from1952

Original book cover from 1952

Watch the video Paradise – home session from the making of The City album

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the deep records djs

And we are still working hard on this…

Currently, The Deep DJs are preparing several unique DJ sets in their own studio, with which they want to present The City album and also The City Revisited versions to its listeners in clubs.